It's already 12.15 the next day already, and i'm typing yesterdae's events.
This is my 1st blog entry, finally write lers {much to ur asking , hahs}. interesting dae ii supposed.(= managed to get two guys to take the neos {which ii dunnoe why they never like it much?} Shall start with the event after the Boring eng lesson, which happens to be until 12pm, and had to walk to compass in the blazing sun which nearly melted shu hon and miie.
went kinokuniya with shu hon, shangfa & kendrick- the kino at bugis. It was disappointing, cant find the july version of newtype mag that ii wanted that li xian bought recently. Guess the disappointment gave way to the neos. shu hon and ii saw the np machines and went straight ferr it. hahas. they, the guys were not aware of the situation ba. We explained that we 4 are taking it together and when we went to change the shillings they did the ' dissappearing acts ' immediately. Shu hon was a both a gd ghost catcher and a ' ppl catcher ' =D and they remained inside the machine; looking kinda weird. ken ah ken, give the excuse of not being Photogenic. To ken: fan xiin ! euu ix the MOSt Shang Jing de among us all wors(= esp. the bye-bye "pose" hahas.0pps =x
Manages to take some neos...
Cakiee! Cakiee! Anyone(X
Omg, the results ix like: man jiang hong!
and sh still can smile; lolx.
Spot the diff..... Black Eggs? =x
Wahahas! Trapped.
Yum Yum Edible Berries.
Well, the ice- cream was after the neos, and it tasted not bad. While mine is sweet; [the pearls are xtra mini type de], shu hon had a beri rich and creamy black sesame one.

Ending quote of the dae;
" Boys and thier games,
gals and their clothes. right?" =P
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{`` Euu are Reading From TheLittleGirl'sDairy . } (",)